Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Let's blow this popsicle stand

Moms judge. It's what we do. We try to sound PC by saying things like "Oh, whatever works for you and your child" or "That's an interesting approach", while we are thinking something along the lines of "What the (insert 4 letter word of your choosing) is wrong with her?! I am CLEARLY a better Mom." I see you on the other side of the screen shaking your head and saying that you never do that. I'm going to go ahead and call BULLSH*T on you.

Now, I'm not saying we do this to every Mom we meet, but I am saying that every Mom has done it. At least once. Even you, SunshineMommy. I'm on a well known & popular local moms forum and when we get together there is almost always one extremely amusing and catty convo about "CrazyMom" and/or "NeedyMom". These are the conversations we have on the playground while watching our kiddos run off their sugar organic fruit snack buzz. You should hear the dialogue on a MNO with a few glasses of mommy juice in us. Actually, you shouldn't hear those conversations, but you get the idea.

Of course, the flip side of all that judging is the amazing AH-HA! moment when you realize that you aren't the only parent scarring entertaining your kids by flicking goldfish crackers for them to fetch. Purely an example, as I, of course, would never do that again. I bonded with one my now closest mommy friends by saying "Let's blow this popsicle stand and grab a beer". The lady laughing at inappropriate jokes about abandoning children to get a drink, THAT is my kind of friend. 

Gossip is the reality anytime you get a few ladies together, shit happens. If you are lucky, you'll make your snarky remarks to the right ladies & the result is awesome friends and a level of hilarity that belongs on an HBO show. If you aren't that lucky, well, you might want to find a new moms group ASAP. Either way, moms need to stop pretending that being judgy is the cardinal sin of the cardigan crew. Being judgy unites us all (even if we don't admit it) and gives us that feeling of superiority and extra swagger we need to keep patrolling the playground.  


  1. Bravo! Love that you have the guts to say it how it is. We do all know this is true and that we all do it or at least have done it. Well said girl!

  2. Yes! even if we do talk about each other to the other friend in the group. (Not I)

  3. ummm... yeah. been there, done that. admitting it freely ;)
