Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meet ya at #WineandWhine

So, I've already confessed my deep and passionate love affair with twitter and the freedom it gives me, without exceeding 140 characters, of course. But I didn't share the reason I love twitter with a fervent passion. It's the same reason there are pictures of me half dressed in a fountain repeatedly during college and that I have managed to survive 3 years of parenting without selling my kids to the gypsies. No, not booze. What kind of mom do you think I am anyway? Don't answer that. The answer, is my amazing and highly mischevious friends.

Lovely ladies, like the ever indulgent @Rustilyn, who co-founded #WineandWhine with me (OK, so maybe I do mix twitter & drinking, but I have it under control. Really, I do!) and @ThePurseBlogger, who for some unknown reason thinks I am actually a talented writer. I could go on and on listing the brilliant, amusing & oh-so-rowdy group of tweeps I have come to love, but to be honest, I don't really like to share. So, find your own damn friends! Or you could just look at my follow list, whatev. 

So, why do I need twitter friends when I have in real life friends? Because my twitter friends never tell me it's too late, they listen, err, read my stupid awesome jokes and they approve of me using my computer/iPhone/iPad as a drinking buddy; That's why. But even more amazingly, they hear all my crazy, unedited, rambling thoughts and still stick around for more. What else could a perpetually exhausted, slightly crazy and braless lady hope for? (Besides my 19 year old body, the winning lottery numbers and a visit from Marky Mark, of course.)

So, my advice to you (because clearly, I'm the lady you should not take advice from) is to mozy on over to twitter and join a #wineandwhine party. You'll either have a great time tweeting with some of the funniest people you'll ever meet or you'll leave thinking I'm even crazier than you realized, while perpetually humming "Baby Got Back". Maybe both, but I'm not making any promises. 


  1. I'm laughing my ass off over here - this is awesome. and absolutely the entire reason I love twitter so much as well. thanks for linking me, and thanks for making me laugh, and I'm so glad to have Co-Founded #wineandwhine with you - it's been a HILARIOUSLY LOVELY relationship :) love ya lady. xo

  2. "perpetually exhausted" you took the words right out of my mouth.....I might crashe the #wineandwhine party.
